Please note that other Pearson websites and online products and services have their own separate privacy policies. This privacy notice provides an overview of our commitment to privacy and describes how we collect, protect, use and share personal information collected through this site. Pearson Education, Inc., 221 River Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, (Pearson) presents this site to provide information about Peachpit products and services that can be purchased through this site. Select the text you want to move ( Figure 4.2).
Microsoft expression web 2 code#
Called a container, this tag offers a stripped-down example of how HTML works: An opening tag marks (declares) the start of a particular code effect, and a closing tags marks where it ends. Notice in the code window that Expression Web automatically places the text inside an HTML paragraph tag ( ) ( Figure 4.1).Start typing, and the text appears at the insertion spot ( Figure 4.1). Open the Web page in which you want to work, and click where you want to enter text.Ī blinking vertical bar marks the text insertion spot. The standard techniques you use in text-editing programs-entering text, selecting, moving, cutting, and copying-work similarly in Expression Web. As for the business of formatting the appearance of your text, see “Creating Styles with CSS” on page 123.
Microsoft expression web 2 how to#
For that reason, this chapter shows you how to treat your text more like an outline. Instead, they focus on the sequence and relative importance of different parts of your information by using headings and indents.
Think instead of your text and headings as you would an outline. By separating content from presentation, it’s much easier to create codes that allow your Web pages to automatically adjust to whatever reads them (including text-to-speech programs for the visually impaired). That’s in part because a Web page may be read on a cell phone screen or a page-sized monitor. Modern Web standards, however, try as much as possible to separate what the text says (its content) from how it looks (its appearance or presentation). It’s true that in the early days of the Web, you often applied font and style tags in the same as-you-worked fashion as word processing. Unlike with word processing, however, you should not format your Web text (bold, italic, font size, and so on) as you enter it. On the surface, working with text in Expression Web is very much like using any word processing program. Microsoft Expression Web 2 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide